Install | Service | MaintenancePower Through Outages With a Whole Home GeneratorPeace of mind for as low as $75/month.Don’t be left powerless during an outage. Protect your home, family, and assets with an automatic home generator.What Size Generator Do I Need?Schedule a ConsultationCall us at 219-662-5976 or fill out the form below. "*" indicates required fields First Name * Required Last Name * Required Phone * RequiredEmail * Required City * Required ServiceSelect ServiceInstallationServiceBothOther Δ Schedule a ConsultationCall us at 219-662-5976 or fill out the form below. "*" indicates required fields First Name * Required Last Name * Required Phone * RequiredEmail * Required City * Required ServiceSelect ServiceInstallationServiceBothOther Δ "*" indicates required fields First Name * Required Last Name * Required Phone * RequiredEmail * Required Step 1: Home Details - What Is the Size of Your Home?What Is the Size of your Home?What Is the Size of your Home?Less than 1,5001,500 to 2,0002,001 to 2,5002,501 to 3,0003,001 to 3,5003,501 to 4,0004,001 to 5,000More than 5,000Step 2: Central Air Conditioner SizeHow Do I Find My AC Size?Central Air Unit 2Select Central Air Unit 11.5 Ton Unit2.0 Ton Unit2.5 Ton Unit3.0 Ton Unit3.5 Ton Unit4.0 Ton Unit5.0 Ton Unit7.5 Ton Unit10.0 Ton UnitCentral Air Unit 1Select Central Air Unit 21.5 Ton Unit2.0 Ton Unit2.5 Ton Unit3.0 Ton Unit3.5 Ton Unit4.0 Ton Unit5.0 Ton Unit7.5 Ton Unit10.0 Ton UnitStep 3: Heating SystemSelect Heating SystemSelect Heating SystemGas - Forced AirGas - Boiler / BaseboardsElectric - Baseboards or RadiantStep 4: EssentialsRefrigerator / FreezerSelect12345DishwasherSelect12345Garage Door OpenerSelect12345MicrowaveSelect12345Sump / Ejector PumpSelect12345Well PumpSelect12345Step 5: Other Large Loads - Select the Items You Need in a Power OutageElectric OvenSelect12345Electric Cook TopSelect12345Electric RangeSelect12345Electric DryerSelect12345Electric Vehicle Charger (40A)Select12345Electric Vehicle Charger (80A)Select12345Electric Water HeaterSelect12345Hot TubSelect12345Pool HeaterSelect12345Pool PumpSelect12345See My Suggested Generator See My Suggested Generator HiddenCalculation 7.5 kW Generac PowerPact 10 kW Generator 14 kW Generator 18 kW Generator 22 kW Generator 24 kW Generator 26 kW Generator Liquid-CooledEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ